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United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Recently shootings, arrests, celebrity messages, and protests have been filling up my Snapchat "Discover" feed. So what? 1. It's in my feed. 2. I have a diverse group of friends and family representing most if not all parts of this situation's spectrum. 3. I want to know what I, along with many other American Citizens can do at the very least to make a change and promote the peace that we all deserve.

Without a doubt, the United States of America is one of the most successful countries in the world.

How did this happen? Some people believe it was luck, other people believe it was the government's structure. I along with others believe that it was a mix of many factors, but mainly the diversity that developed in America . . . Or should I say the diversity that developed America.

Throughout America's timeline, each culture has brought their own innovations into industries ranging from the arts to the sciences contributing to America's financial and social health. To me, what's so beautiful about America is that

  • It's "the land of opportunity" and the "land of the free and home of the brave"

  • It has people in it with dreams and abilities that make them able to reach anything they set their minds to

  • There are major differences within it's society

I'm not just talking race. I'm talking religious beliefs, sexual orientation, sexual identification, cultural customs, health conditions, interests, personalities, and dreams. Our differences should bring us together.

I come from one of the most diverse universities in the nation. At first I thought nothing of it, but during my time there I grew to understand the importance of diversity and it's role in America. Everyone wants peace and respect for their own kind. Unfortunately, some believe that that peace can only be achieved through separation, division, and elimination. NO. It is possible to find peace through coexistence, and it is possible to stay united in this time of separation.

As an innocent yet affected bystander, I believe that it is right to end unjust actions, but wrong to persecute ANY community as a whole based on the actions of a few corrupt members. People can coexist with others with radically different views from them, by respecting them for who they are as fellow contributors to society. People can unite and be the change they want to see.

I'm not asking you to set aside everyone's differences. I'm asking you to embrace these differences and make a change! There is injustice in this world and always will be, but that does not mean that every American should lose hope. The world has moved on from the divide and conquer past. Now, it's time to unite and succeed.

There will always be controversial situations. However, when you bring in the lives of people, it's another story. The loss of lives whether they be white, black, brown, tan, yellow, blue or even rainbow, is harsh and cruel. This is true especially when it happens because of peoples' inability to cope with differences and unite. Any color of life is still a human life.

Respect and try to understand others to prevent unjust acts. You don't need to agree with people to unite forces with them. What America needs right now is a stable society ready to take on these controversial challenges that face Americans today. This society can be achieved through unification and respect.

What happens when we are separated? The lives of innocent citizens and protectors are lost in our own country. But what happens when we unite? We thrive in the face of the planet and make our country the place to be. So, let's unite and overcome these obstacles about everyone's many differences.

Remember, everything is impossible until someone does it.

OCAPICA's a non-partisan organization

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